Community Host Program

We invite you to have a Community Host at Bowdoin.

community host participant

The purpose of the Bowdoin College Community Host Program is to facilitate informal friendships and community connections between students and residents in the Brunswick area and beyond. While international students have priority, students that apply to the program will be matched if we have hosts. Different community hosts have different schedules and varying resources. The idea of the program is to forge a friendship with a student and learn from each other. Students remain on campus and do not live with host families. Many students and their community hosts become life-long friends.

The Matching Committee consists of several participating community hosts and Bowdoin staff and is chaired by Beth Ann Nickerson. The committee arranges the matches between the families and students from the applications and participates in events throughout the year. Students who get in touch with us early can be matched with their hosts before school starts so that they are able to correspond with them before they arrive at Bowdoin.


If you would like to participate in the Community Host Program or have questions about it, please email Silvia Lorrain, Senior Associate Director of Student Activities,, contact her by phone (207) 798-4338, or write to her at:

Bowdoin Community Host Program
Student Activities
Bowdoin College
6200 College Station
Brunswick, ME 04011-8437

Matching Committee Chair: Beth Ann Nickerson, .

A warm welcome to Bowdoin, to Brunswick and to the State of Maine!