
Recent graduates can apply for the 雪氏家庭教学奖学金 to work in a teaching 和 mentoring capacity on Bowdoin's campus before enrolling in the 买球平台教师学者 program.
The 雪氏家庭教学奖学金 provides a recent graduate the opportunity to engage in a teaching 和 mentoring capacity during the fall semester within two years of graduation (和 during the semester prior to the Fellow’s enrollment in 买球平台教师学者). A primary objective of the fellowship is to offer the Fellow a range of opportunities to engage in professional development in a variety of teaching, 学习, 以及指导环境. 它由三部分组成.


Part I: Work with 教育 Department 3000-Level Practice-Based 课程

担任研究生助理两门课程教育3301:教与学教育3302:课程发展—the fellow will support students in completing components of these two practice-based, 综合课程(最近修完这些课程), 研究员将对该材料有深入的了解).


  • 参加3301/3302课程.
  • 担任港岛学校计划联络员,包括:
    • 提前计划去伙伴岛学校的行程.
    • Developing 和 teaching lessons around the Isl和 School Project for 3301/3302.
    • Participating in the course isl和 overnight stay 和 isl和 school visit.
    • Supporting students in the course in developing their Isl和 Schools Project Field Journals.
    • 支持岛上学校学生互访买球平台
  • Observing 3301/3302 students teaching in their field placements 和 offering constructive feedback.
  • Offering (和 integrating opportunities for) support for 3301/3302 students in developing their four-week unit of instruction.
  • Being available for out-of-class help with various 3301/3302 assignments 和 projects. 
Lily Tedford Sage ’22 was the first Snow Teaching Fellow, in the fall of 2022. 你可以在这里阅读她的经历.


The Fellow will work with local teachers 和 schools to oversee an 教育 Department-aligned volunteer program with New Mainers in ELL classrooms. The Fellow will serve as a communication link between student volunteers 和 local teachers seeking volunteer support, 和 they will seek input from local teachers in determining how to best train Bowdoin students to support ELL students.


  • Growing a base of volunteers 和 advertising the opportunity for community engagement to students in 教育 courses.
  • 进行实地考察并与当地教师会面.
  • Developing 和 administering a training for student volunteers before they head into the field.
  • 通过以下方式为学生入学提供后勤支持:
    • 组织一个日程安排系统
    • 建立学生拼车的方式
    • Communicating with the McKeen Center to ensure students can access taxi vouchers.
  • Touching base with teachers at the semester midpoint (or as needed) to check in on whether the program is satisfactorily supporting New Mainers 和 fulfilling its mission.
  • 在需要时为学生志愿者提供支持.
  • 如果他们有时间的话, the Fellow 可以 also choose to participate in the program as a volunteer themselves on a regular basis.


In consultation with the 教育 Department Field Placement 和 Outreach Coordinator, 研究员将选择一个地点进行实地实习. 这个位置 will exp和 the opportunity the Fellow had as a 3301/3302 student to observe teaching 和 support a classroom teacher in their practice. 这个位置 可以 become the Fellow’s field placement during the enrollment in 买球平台教师学者 the following spring.


For all three areas of engagement, the Fellow will be supported by faculty 和 staff. Mentoring will be provided by 教育 3301 和 3302 faculty instructors 和 the 教育 Department’s Field Placement 和 Outreach Coordinator. The 教育 系主任 will oversee the Fellow’s fellowship experience, 与相关教职员工保持定期联系, 和 meet with the Fellow monthly to discuss their experience 和 performance. 


  • 该奖学金将于8月初开始, 一年级新生入学前一周, 将在12月期末考试结束时结束.
  • The Fellow will be provided with a shared workspace in 莱利的房子 和 可以 also choose to work in any other public workspace on campus.
  • 研究员将使用买球平台提供的iPad和MacBook.
  • The Fellow will participate in a mid-semester 和 end-of-semester performance review led by the 教育 系主任.
  • The Fellow will be a casual employee 和 will not work more than 25 hours per week (reported through Workday).
  • The Fellow will receive $18/hour (which at 25 hours per week over 17-18 weeks for the semester comes to approximately $8,000).


申请截止日期为4月1日下午5点. Students who wish to apply should consult with an 教育 Department faculty member about their plans prior to beginning the application.


  • This award is designed to support students on financial aid for whom such an opportunity would contribute significantly to their academic 和 professional trajectory.
  • Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated consistent interest in the study of the field of 教育 during their time at Bowdoin.
  • Students from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
  • Fellows must be graduates of Bowdoin within two years of degree conferral.


  • 完成Snow家庭教学奖学金 网上申请表格.
  • Fellowship applicants are concurrently applying for the 买球平台教师学者 program 和 must fulfill all BTS应用要求.
  • An additional essay (uploaded in application) describing how you expect this fellowship will advance your professional development as an educator prior to beginning the 买球平台教师学者 program is also required.