
诺玛L. 罗兰·G. 制品、小. Professor of 生物学 and 神经科学, Chair of 生物学 Department

The Horch lab uses the cricket model system to examine the molecular neurobiological basis of a number of areas including regeneration, 行为, 和发展. Mainly, the lab focuses on how the auditory system of the cricket recovers from injury. Removing one ear induces auditory interneurons to sprout new dendrites, 生长异常越过中线, form synapses with intact auditory neurons from the opposite ear. This is an elegant and robust example of neuronal plasticity, it happens in adult crickets. The Horch lab uses echniques such as fluorescent backfills, 免疫组织化学, Q-聚合酶链反应, RNA干扰, 行为分析, 还有共聚焦显微镜 to understand the consequences of the loss of an ear.

教学领域: 分子神经科学

Video: Three-dimensional confocal image of cricket Ascending Neurons in the prothoracic ganglion of the cricket. Neurobiotin was iontophoresed into axon endings in the brain, 传送到树突, 与荧光链亲和素反应.


  • Postdoctoral 教育, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, 2001-2002
  • 杜克大学神经生物学博士,2001年
  • 1993年,斯沃斯莫尔学院生物学学士学位